bulimia and nosebleeds

Know about Bulimia and nosebleeds

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Here we will mainly be discussing everything about bulimia and nosebleeds and whether bulimia causes nose bleeds.

When people suffering from bulimia induce themselves to puke they are inadvertently causing harm to themselves, because bulimia causes

  • Dry skin
  • Nosebleeds
  • Redness and discoloration of Eyes, Ears, and Nose

Society pressures women to be attractive, successful, strong, and thin. Nowadays people have equated thinness to happiness. This has led to thinking that being attractive is being thin. People having Zero figures are the most attractive. It is perceived as the most preferred body image amongst young women and girls.

A variety of eating disorders that include compulsive eating disorders are Anorexia, Bulimia, and binge eating disorders. About 90 percent of the people suffering from this disorder are females. Eating disorders are psychiatric problems that can be treated.

A brief overview of bulimia

When a person has frequent episodes of binge eating which can range from twice a week to multiple times a day. It is often followed by excessive efforts to avoid gaining weight.

When binge eating, the bulimic can consume up to 3000 to 5000 calories in an hour. The person will then try to undo the binge by taking laxatives or inducing vomiting or excessive workouts.

Warning Signs of bulimia

  1. Eating in secrecy
  2. Eating a lot yet not gaining weight
  3. Disappearing act after meals
  4. Usage of Enemas, Diuretics, and Laxatives
  5. Extreme workouts
  6. Gets angry on being questioned about food
  7. Has a history of Anorexia

Symptoms of bulimia nervosa

  • Self-induced vomiting
  • Constant weight gain or loss
  • Stomach pain with no illness as its cause
  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • Fainting
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Dizziness
  • Brittle hair and nails
  • Discolored teeth
  • Raw knuckles from teeth scraping (It is caused due to forcefully inducing vomit)
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Constipation
  • An inflamed sore throat
  • Kidney problems
  • Muscle spasms
  • Severe dehydration
  • Seizures

What age does bulimia usually start?

It usually develops in the late teens or early twenties. It occurs due to any stressful life event or a strict period of dieting.

How to know if you have bulimia?

Ask yourself these questions

  1. Are you obsessed with your body weight?
  2. Does dieting dominate most of your thought processes?
  3. Preoccupied with thoughts like if you start eating you won’t be able to stop?
  4. Do you eat till you get sick?
  5. Are you feeling ashamed or guilt-ridden after having a full diet?
  6. Frequently vomiting or taking laxatives or diuretics to purge all the calories that you have consumed?

If there are more ‘yes’ than ‘no’ to these questions then consult a psychiatrist for treatment.

Some causes of nosebleeds (other than bulimia)

1. Fragile blood vessels that bleed may be due to warm dry air or after workouts

2. An infection of the nose lining, sinuses, or adenoids.

3. An allergy that causes coughing or hay fever

4. Any type of trauma like fall or bumps

5. When an object is shoved inside the nostrils forcefully

6. Habit of nose picking

7. Bleeding or clotting problem

The first aid treatment for nosebleeds that can be followed at home is as follows

  • Don’t lie down, try to sit upright and lean forward instead of backward when having nosebleeds.
  • Packing your nose should be avoided.
  • Spray a decongestant in the nose.
  • Pinch your nostrils for 10 minutes and repeat all the steps again and again so that the bleeding stops.

If it isn’t stopping it is time to visit a hospital and seek medical help.

Bulimia And Nosebleeds

It is usually observed in bulimic patients that bulimia and nosebleeds go hand in hand.

bulimia and nosebleeds
bulimia and nosebleeds

Effects of bulimia on nose

Wondering about frequent nosebleeds after vomiting in bulimics? Purging is a symptom of bulimia. Purging causes nose capillaries to burst open causing nosebleeds or epistaxis. Vomiting creates a lot of pressure on them. Sometimes it may also happen due to severe dehydration which is a symptom of bulimia. Posterior nosebleeds are much more dangerous than anterior ones.

 Vomiting irritates the mucosal lining of the nose. Vomit is toxic because it contains stomach acids which are harmful to nasal tissues. Frequent nosebleeds occur due to weakened or severed blood vessels. The tissue of the nose gets thin. The body tries to repair it but it doesn’t get enough time to heal properly since bulimic vomit quite frequently leaving the body with very little time to repair the injured tissues. If you are having uncontrollable and frequent nosebleeds you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Usually, it’s the blood in the vomit of bulimics that is more dangerous. This is usually due to the tearing of the esophageal lining. If you or anyone in your friend circle or family has bulimia and is having blood in your vomit then without any further delay get the required treatment. This is very serious and may be fatal.

Treatment of bulimia

Bulimia should not be left untreated as it can be life-threatening. It can be a very long challenging journey, having said that one should not lose hope. Bulimia can be overcome with the right treatment. Along with antidepressants, bulimia sufferers should also be educated about diet and nutrition. It is also important to have healthy eating habits and the right meal plan. Talk therapy is also very beneficial in guiding the patients. Talking and teaching on how to stop binge eating is necessary.

Also read about What do anorexics eat?

Some of the FAQs about bulimia and nosebleeds

Bulimia and nosebleeds
Bulimia and nosebleeds

1. Can stress cause nosebleeds?

Yes, stress and anxiety can trigger nosebleeds. To stop a nosebleed due to stress, one should try relaxing one’s breathing. Concentrate on the rise and fall of your chest during breathing and calm your emotions, and thought process. There is no need to panic but if possible remove yourself from the stressful situation. Once the bleeding has stopped drink water. It is very important to keep yourself hydrated. Try to be in a place that doesn’t have dry air.

2. Can malnutrition cause nosebleeds?

Yes, if someone has insufficient proteins or vitamin K in the body then this can result in deficiency of clotting factors and lead to nosebleeds.

3. Does bulimia change your face or why do bulimics have puffy cheeks?

People suffering from bulimia have what is known as a bulimia face where the patient’s face gets swollen. This happens because of frequent vomiting and loss of water from the body, thus triggering the body to hold on to as much water as possible. This is most evident around the parotid gland region.

4. How long does it take for bulimia to ruin your teeth?

For bulimia to ruin the teeth it takes around 3-4 years due to erosion of teeth. Dry mouth is often seen in such cases. Drinking water cannot prevent the erosion of teeth but may delay it.

5. Do bulimics lose weight?

No, people suffering from bulimia tend to purge, and vomiting after meals doesn’t make one thin. Bulimics can sometimes experience Anorexia which makes one lose calories but due to binge eating a lot and then purging, they are losing calories which is very little of what they consumed. So in reality they are gaining calories and losing very little. Vomiting causes muscle mass to lose rather than fat. This is because most of the calories get digested immediately and the stomach empties rapidly. From here the food moves to the small intestine where it gets absorbed fast.




The content of Bulimia and nosebleeds has been developed by third-party medical content writers and/or experts. The information mentioned in the article is only for educational purposes and therefore it is requested to consult a doctor/ physician before diagnosing and deciding the treatment plan.

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