laser treatment for hemorrhoids

laser treatment for hemorrhoids-Is it good or bad?

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Have you been suffering from either of conditions like piles, fistula, and fissure, and pilonidal cyst? Laser treatment for hemorrhoids is the most latest and advanced treatment available nowadays.

Table of Contents

What are piles or hemorrhoids?

Piles also called hemorrhoids. They are inflamed swollen lumps that contain blood vessels in the smooth muscles located in the anus and the rectum region. Only 30 percent of people suffering from piles have the presence of blood in stools. The rest 70 percent feel burning, itching, and constipation-like symptoms.

Classification of Piles or hemorrhoids –

Internal Hemorrhoids (Inside the anus)

These cannot be viewed from the outside and are located within the rectum.

External Hemorrhoids (Outside the anus)

These are located under the skin right throughout the anus. They hurt and bleed a lot.

The internal piles can be classified into 4 grades:-

Grade 1

This is the type is invisible minor inflammation in the anal lining.

Grade 2

These are much bigger than the grade 1 piles and present inside the anus. They appear during the passing of hard and large stools and then diminish on their own.

Grade 3

They are painful in nature and can be seen from outside.

Grade 4

They are highly painful, small sore lumps that remain outside the anus and cannot be reinserted.

Treatment for Grade 1 and Grade 2 piles

Grade 1 and Grade 2 are treated with medicines and changes in diet and lifestyle.

Treatment for Grade 3 and Grade 4

The treatment for Grade 3 and Grade 4 internal piles usually require surgery especially if gangrenous tissues have developed.

Treatment for External hemorrhoids or piles –

The doctor may prescribe ice packs or hemorrhoid creams. The swelling gets diminished with the help of ice packs. The surgery may be ordered if the condition is quite severe and painful for the patient.

Causes of the rectal bleeding

Blood from the rectum can be maroon or bright red or black. 

Hemorrhoids or piles

They are lumps of veins located in the lower rectum and anus region.


Disease in which there is the uncontrolled division of cells spreading to the surrounding tissues.

Anal fissures

These are the tiny tears in the mucosa lining the anus usually occurring when hard and large stools are passed.

Crohn’s Disease

It is a painful chronic bowel disease-causing inflammation of the digestive tract which can sometimes also be fatal.

Ulcerative colitis

Disease-causing ulcers or more commonly called open sores and inflammation in the large intestine due to abnormal reactions of the immune system.

Anal cancer

It is the uncontrolled proliferation of tissues of the anus.

Causes of Hemorrhoids or Piles

Piles can affect men and women at any age. It may form due to excess pressure on the anal blood vessels, which may later cause swelling and inflammation.

  • A low fiber diet
  • Chronic constipation
  • Strained bowel movements
  • Obesity
  • Continuous Diarrhea
  • Colon Cancer
  • History of Rectal Surgery
  • Family history
  • Prolong sitting or traveling
  • Less fluid intake

Sign and symptoms of hemorrhoids or Piles

  • Bleeding from the Anus
  • Anal irritation and uneasiness leading to itching
  • Pain in the Anal area
  • A lump can be felt in the anal area
  • Feeling full even after passing stools

When the piles or hemorrhoids reach quite an advanced stage then the signs and symptoms are as follows

  • Bleeding from the anal infection is uncontrolled
  • The control of the bowel movements is lost
  • Formation of a new channel between the skin near the anus and inside the anus.

What is Anoscopy?

It’s a procedure through which the doctor looks inside the anus using a lighted rigid tube-like structure to evaluate anal problems. Often Anoscopy is sufficient for the detection of piles but in rare cases, a sigmoidoscopy (a procedure through which the sigmoid colon is evaluated using a lighted flexible tube by the doctor is used) or colonoscopy may be required by the gastroenterologist if the bleeding is coming from colon.

The hemoglobin of the patient with rectal bleeding must be checked from time to time.

Home remedies for the treatment of piles

1. Lifestyle changes

High fiber foods like salads, fruits, and greens in diets along with adequate hydration are a must for the treatment of piles. Physical activities are very important for digestion and bowel movements of the body.

2.Warm bath –

For about two to three times a day for 15 minutes sit and soak in warm water.

3. Aloe Vera

Applying pure aloe vera on the piles is very helpful however some people may be allergic to it. The allergic reaction of aloe vera can be detected by rubbing a small amount of it on the inside of your forearm and wait for a day or two. If there is no redness or itching and swelling in the forearm then it’s ok to be applied on the piles.

4. Use of Epsom Salts

Add small quantities of Epsom salts to the warm bath this helps in relieving pain.

5. Witch hazel

Witch Hazel is extensively used in India for skin ailments. It is very useful in reducing pain itching and even slows down the bleeding. It contains tannins that have anti-inflammatory properties.

6. Castor Oil

Castor oil is an antifungal, anti-bacterial with anti-inflammatory properties. When applied to the affected region, it helps in reducing pain.

7. Psyllium husk or Isabgol

The husk of the Plantago Ovata plant’s seeds commonly called Isabgol is a remedy used by most Indians. It is used for softening stool during constipation. It makes bowel movements easy and painless. These are easily available in the market in powder or capsule form and can be taken 2-3 times a day.

Even after applying these home remedies if the hemorrhoids or piles are still causing discomfort, it’s time to consult a physician. The physician may prescribe some ointments, cream, or suppositories. If these all methods are ineffective then the patient may have to undergo surgery for the removal of piles.

Laser Proctology

It is the technique of surgical treatment of diseases of colon, anus, and rectum with the use of laser. It is used to treat piles, fistula, fissures, polyps, and pilonidal cyst.

What is laser treatment for hemorrhoids?

High energy light is used to burn the tissues that are affected in a very safe manner. It is a very advanced technique that is bloodless and causes very little pain with very few complications.

Diseases that can be treated with laser treatment


Piles or hemorrhoids are swollen tissue in the lower rectum and anus causing discomfort and bleeding.

Anorectal Fissures

Anorectal fissures are the long narrow opening-like tear or crack in the lining of the anal canal. These may occur due to the passing of hard and large stools.

Anal Fistula

When an infected tunnel develops between the end of the bowel and opening on the skin around the anus, it is called an anal fistula.

Pilonidal cyst

It is a type of cyst occurring at the bottom of the tailbone or coccyx. When this pilonidal cyst gets infected and filled with pus it is called a pilonidal abscess and is very painful.

Different laser treatment for hemorrhoids are –

Haemorrhoidal laser procedure (HeLP)

No anesthesia is used for the treatment of Grade 1, 2, and 3 piles. This technique involves locating and identifying terminal branches of the rectal artery by applying a Doppler transducer. To obliterate the abnormal tissue using the electric current from diode laser causing blockage of the blood flow to hemorrhoids. This technique is repeated clockwise.

Laser Haemorrhoidoplasty (LHP)

In laser haemorrhoidoplasty, anesthesia is administered to the patient. The laser is then used on a hemorrhoidal node to reduce the piles. The laser energy is controlled to destroy the nodes such that there is no effect on the surrounding mucosa and sphincter structure. This technique always protects the muscles, anal lining, and mucosa. The fibrotic reconstruction helps in regenerating new tissue so that there is no further reoccurrence of piles.

Laser Haemorrhoidectomy

The laser energy used is controlled and directed towards the hemorrhoidal mass. Lastly, fibrosis reconstruction generates new tissues. This technique helps secure the surrounding tissues with very little bleeding and fast recovery.

FILAC technique

In this technique, the advanced piles are treated by administering the patient anesthesia. Centrally directed laser energy is used radially 360 degrees into the hemorrhoidal node. The size of hemorrhoid decides the laser energy to not destroy the anoderm or mucosa.

Advantages of laser treatment for hemorrhoids

  • Less operation time
  • Discharge from hospital after some hours
  • Resume your work in a day or two
  • No incision or stitches
  • There is no Blood loss causes no panic
  • The External bodies are not inserted
  • Fast healing, faster recovery
  • Rare reoccurrence
  • The anal sphincter is preserved
  • low postoperative pain score
  • No stricture

Disadvantages of laser treatment for hemorrhoids

  • Since the equipment for laser treatment for piles is quite expensive therefore not every hospital has this facility available.
  • The rare chances of laser equipment catching fire during surgery due to a manufacturing defect or some other reason. The surgeon must be effectively able to handle the equipment to avoid any mishap.

What is the cost of laser treatment for hemorrhoids?

The cost of treatment for piles through laser is almost 40 percent more than the conventional treatment but Laser proctology gives the advantage of short hospital stay, fewer post-operative follow-ups. In Hyderabad, India it may range from approximately Rs 35000 to 1.5 lakhs.

What to do to prepare laser treatment for hemorrhoids?

Before laser treatment for hemorrhoids

The procedure is explained thoroughly and all the instructions regarding what to do before and after the surgery are given. Some investigations may also be ordered before the surgery.

During the laser treatment for hemorrhoids

Local anesthesia is administered by the anesthetists and surgery is carried out by the surgeon and his team. The surgery may take some minutes to an hour depending upon the type of the surgery.

After the laser treatment for hemorrhoids

The health and the recovery rate of the patient decide how many hours a patient has to stay in the hospital. It may differ from person to person. Generally, patients can resume their daily routine in a day or two.

Is laser treatment for hemorrhoids safe?

The conventional surgical methods are quite complicated while laser treatment for piles doesn’t use any spark, smoke, or steam for treatment hence it’s very safe.

Conclusion about laser treatment for hemorrhoids-

  • Every patient does not require laser treatment for piles rather the patient is properly evaluated for it. Only the patients with severe anal spasm, external thrombosis, fissure, sentinel tags, external hemorrhoids, or internal hemorrhoids and fistula undergo laser treatment.
  • Laser treatment is done for anal harrowing-like conditions.
  • Discuss minutely all your queries with your surgeon at length regarding this procedure.


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